lunes, 3 de junio de 2024

un poema de Robert Creeley traduccion Pablo Queralt.





He llegado lo suficientemente lejos

de donde no estaba antes

haber visto las cosas

mirándome desde la puerta abierta


y he caminado esta noche

por mi mismo

para ver la luz de la luna

y verla como los arboles


y formas mas temerosas

porque temia lo que no sabia

y quería saber.

Mi cara es mia pensé.

Pero la has visto

convertirse en miles de años.

Yo vi tu llanto.


No pude tocarte

tenia muchas ganas

de tocarte

pero no pude.


Si esta oscuro

cuando esto te sea dado

ten cuidado con su contenido

cuando la luna brilla.


Mi cara es mia.

Mis manos son mias.

Mi boca es mia

pero no soy yo.


Luna luna cuando

me dejas solo

toda la oscuridad

es una negrura total.


Un pozo de miedo

un hedor

manos irrazonables

nunca tocar.


Pero te amo

me amas

que decir

cuando me veas.


A Form Of Women

I have come far enough
from where I was not before
to have seen the things
looking in at me from through the open door

and have walked tonight
by myself
to see the moonlight
and see it as trees

and shapes more fearful
because I feared
what I did not know
but have wanted to know.

My face is my own, I thought.
But you have seen it
turn into a thousand years.
I watched you cry.

I could not touch you.
I wanted very much to
touch you
but could not.

If it is dark
when this is given to you,
have care for its content
when the moon shines.

My face is my own.
My hands are my own.
My mouth is my own
but I am not.

Moon, moon,
when you leave me alone
all the darkness is
an utter blackness,

a pit of fear,
a stench,
hands unreasonable
never to touch.

But I love you.
Do you love me.
What to say
when you see me.






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